Thursday, December 04, 2008

Life Spiral

My life is spiraling out of my control. My car will need close to eight hundred dollars to fix it. I don't have that kind of money. I'm being shunted back and forth between two offices, and now I have no transportation. My grandmother is in the hospital. She is ninety-nine years old....hundred this February. They say you're never given more than you can handle, but anytime now to stop giving me stuff would be great. Really great. I don't want anything else!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


The reality of graduating has set in: I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest of my life! Everyone keeps asking me "What are you going to do now?" What do I tell them? I usually grimace with a self-deprecating smile and say "I'm still looking for something."

Honestly, how long does it usually take someone to find something directly after graduation? I don't need THE JOB, but just a job that will pay my rent. That's all I care about! Rent paid, car insurance paid, bills paid. End of story. Why does everyone seem to think that someone with a degree is too good to work for them? I'm entry-level. Be kind.

It's really late, and I have a lot of family coming in tomorrow. My best friend in the whole wide world is here tonight, and we stayed up talking just like we used to do when we were roommates. We plot our takeover of the world, plan our futures, and ponder why the rum is gone. Seriously. We ponder where the rum has gone. Must go to bed. The alarm is going off early tomorrow.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Graduation - Look Out World...Here Comes Emma!

I just wanted to thank everyone for their support as I finished my degree. It is official. I am graduating this Sunday at 2:00 PM. Most of my family will be there and I am receiving two degrees, one in English and one in German.

I am finished. I will again have some resemblance of a life. First, I must find a full time job. I'll keep you posted about the search. Here's hoping it's a good job, with decent pay, and perhaps benefits. That would be nice. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Books on Emma's Shelf

A few people have asked me about what I read. Here's a few things currently holding a place on one of my four bookshelves. In no particular order:

Sherlock Holmes (the entire collection) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Ishmael by Quinn

Jane Eyre by Bronte

Oliver Twist by Dickens

The Jungle by Sinclair

The Prince by Machiavelli

The World's Religions by Smith

Invisible Man by Ellison

The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien

and Harry Potter! (Of course!)

Thursday, March 20, 2008



Yeah, I'm excited.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A vendetta?

There seems to be some sort of vendetta against me going on over at the Dark Lord Potter forums.

Strange. Do they think that they hurt me by complaining about how much they hate my fanfiction? If I cared what others thought about me, I certainly wouldn't be writing and posting it online. That's just asking for abuse from others. I honestly don't care what anyone thinks about me. I would take too much time worrying about everyone else but me. Sorry, I have no time for anyone. Just me! I'm graduating from college. I don't have time to sleep at this point. (Look at the time I posted this. Yes, I'm still awake!)

I find it slightly amusing that they waste their time complaining. After all, it's time they'll never get back. I guess everyone needs something to complain about.

"Dark Lord Potter?" It's like saying "Dark Lord Bunny Rabbit". Both are cute, fluffy, and sweet. Beware the sharp, pointy teeth! (If you get that pop culture reference, I'll give you a virtual cookie.)

Sunday, March 09, 2008


I have finished the next chapter of "What is Right"! WOOT! It's off with the betas right now. I'm so happy.

The next chapter of "An Aunt's Love" is halfway finished. I should be able to finish it within two weeks, so long as I manage to finish all of my homework and the like. Keep your fingers crossed!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ever wonder what Emma does with her time?

A lot of people have been pleading for updates. A lot of them. So, to give everyone a little taste of what it is like to be Emma Lipardi, here's a typical day!

Day 1:

5:00 AM - Wake up. Snarl at alarm clock and ponder ways to dismantle it. Hit snooze button.

5:03 AM - Fall back asleep.

5:10 AM - Praise and curse inventor of snooze button in one breath.

5:11 AM - Stumble out of bed and down hallway.

5:13 AM - Bathroom activities - Use your imagination, folks.

5:25 AM - Emerge from bathroom dressed for workout.

5:30 AM - Shovel breakfast into mouth on the way out the door to workout with personal trainer. Grumble about cold. Get into car. Drive to gym. Ignore leering old men on the treadmills. Proceed to blow away competition on treadmills. Then move on to weight lifting. And Zumba.

7:00 AM - Return to home for second breakfast. Greet bleary roommate on sofa. Hit the shower.

7:15 AM - Emerge from shower, ready for day. Collect backpack, water bottle, snacks, and coat. Proceed to wait for university shuttle for fifteen to thirty minutes. Cheer upon arrival of shuttle.

7:45 - 8:00 AM Camp out in front of the library to wait for it to open. Consider making protest sign to get librarians to let you in.

8:01 AM to Noon - Claim territory in library. Pile research books and articles on table in form of barricade. Protect coffee with your life. Snarl at those too close to you. Post a sign at 10:00 AM that warns away the socialites and invites the geeks to flock: PULLING A GRANGER...ENTER AREA AT OWN RISK

Noon: Realize that work starts in an hour. Hastily gather belongings and dash from library. Pray librarian will leave your books in their barricade form. Perhaps the sign will discourage return of items? Grab lunch the minute you enter the door. Pack more to consume at work.

1:05 PM - Report to work five minutes late. Cite traffic as your reason. Check callbacks, contacts, email, daily tasks, and interoffice communication. Delegate. Retrieve coffee. Repeat.

2:12 PM - Snack.

3:00 PM - Staff meeting. Amuse self during by imagining Severus Snape's reaction to words like "Synergy" and "Inter-office compatibility". Plot entire dialogs around his reaction. Make notes in German on notepad. Ignore co-worker asking what you're writing. Plot ways to get out of meeting. Smile and nod at something boss has said. Write Dumbledore into new scene. Plot Harry involvement. Plan destruction of staff meeting room.

4:00 PM - Flee meeting room. Steal coffee from kitchen. Return to desk and repeat earlier cycle. Make notes about new story in German. Pray no one knows about translators online. Ponder when fanfiction turned into real fiction. Toss aside into briefcase.

4:25 PM - Snack.

5:00 PM - Say goodnight to boss as he leaves. Clean office. Clean kitchen. Change channel on TV to something intelligent. Ignore co-worker as he does nothing.

7:00 PM - Leave work. Go home and gather ballet bag. And new water bottle.

7:45 PM - Arrive at dance studio. Change. Study self in full length mirror. Consider possibility of outlawing leotards. Tape toes and put on shoes. Snack and water.

8:00 - 9:15 PM - Subject self to unique torture known as ballet. Curse maker of pointe shoes. Change shoes after class. Band-aid and tape bleeding toes. Promise cold water later.

9:45 PM - Arrive home. Snack. Homework. Prepare for classes the next day. Celebrate not having to work.

11:30 PM - Write.

12:30 AM - Bed.

Next day: CLASSES for entire afternoon. Library the rest of the time. Return home at 1:00 AM. The next day follows the first one.

So, curiosity satisfied?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fun Times

Today was a good day in terms of things accomplished. I made it to class and had all of my assignments done and ready to turn in on time. I met up with my friend Chrissy after classes and talked to her for a while. She's actually from Germany, so it's good practice for me in terms of language study.

Unfortunately, things are not going well in my personal life. I'm twenty-five years old and facing a rather distressing circumstance: I'm graduating from college! Agh! I have no idea why I went to school this long, because I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. My job will not have anything to do with my majors. I can't think of anything I could do with an English and German degree. I really can't. I'm hoping that I will be able to find full time work after graduation. I really, really want full time work.

My sister quit her job, and because my name is on her lease, I am stuck paying her rent. I should kick her to the curb, but then the compassionate part of me goes: she is your sister. How long does a person need help before it starts being a crutch? I think she's on crutches at this point.

My car has a fuel leak, which means I get to drive a dangerous car across town first thing tomorrow and pray I make it to the shop...and that the shop won't charge me an arm and leg for service. Please, if the mechanics are listening, keep it under $100. Please, please, please. I hope they're listening.

My lovely check is just sitting here, waiting for deposit. I would love to go down to the bank and deposit it in my account (thereby changing the dreadful negative number I'm currently carrying), but I can't drive the car. Grr.

Needless to say, writing has taken a backseat to this crazy thing I call life. I do have a few new stories, both original and fanfiction, buzzing in my head. There are actually four fanfictions, but I'll probably only try to write three. One already has a title, called Anachronism. It's been fun, but I don't know if I'll actually write it. It has the same themes as the first two, and I'm becoming just a bit tired of angst. (I never thought I'd say that!) The second is the newest, a story without Harry Potter as the main character in the beginning! O.O How did that happen? He comes in later, of course, but I almost didn't recognize him. Funny how that works. There's no title yet, so I'm calling it STHFHOS...I love acronyms. 20 points and virtual chocolate to the person that figures out what that means! Or a preview...your choice. The last and most fun lacks a name, but I've been calling it JBHP. I doubt anyone will figure that out at all. So, a thousand points and a command chapter of any story to the person able to guess. This story is unlike anything I've done, which might be why I'm so excited about it. ^_^ Harry is in this from the get-go and he's very fun to write! I can't wait to see the finished product.

I guess I should amend what I said earlier. It's not that I haven't been writing...I'm just not writing "An Aunt's Love" or "What is Right". I do have a chapter ready to go, but I'm holding off on it until I clear up a point or two. Look for it sometime soon.

Until next time, may the Muse refrain from the baseball bat.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Dreaded Disease WB

I have that dreaded disease that writers do not name for fear of getting it. It lurks about us in a dreadful fog of Real Life and Other Responsibilities. It is more feared than flu and colds. I will only initial it: WB.

I want to cry. Why now? Why? I have so many things going on for Harry that nothing else will do but for me to try to write the next chapter, but it came out pathetically short and rather, hmm, bland. I wrote something bland! It's just not fair. It really isn't fair. I've been good to that story, lost sleep over it, researched persnickity little items that only gave it more depth...and it betrays me.

I hope that it ends soon. I can only hope, as every other trick I have to get it to go away has yet to work. At least the blog proves that I can still write, but the dreaded WB on "An Aunt's Love" is creating a lot of...anger towards fanfiction in general. Why do I feel the need to write such a story? I don't know. It's there, and it wants to be written, so I answer the call. Stupid story.

I really do love it. I do. It's practically my baby, but all the same, it's a very whiny, annoying, attention-demanding baby. I doubt anyone would blame me if I just chucked it all.

On second thought, I think I would have to go into witness protection if something like that happened. Some of my readers have death threated me more than once. Chucking the story would be a bit like prodding an ant hill with a stick. All the same, not something I would care to try.

I'm off to try to sleep. Perchance to dream. Or write. Keep your fingers crossed and hope that something happens that breaks me out of it.