Friday, May 31, 2019

Checking In

Hello dear readers!

I would like to say that I have one chapter completed and one more underway for "An Aunt's Love!"  I hesitated to post the last chapter due to the content, and my therapist suggested posting two chapters at once to mitigate the content of the first.  She is brilliant, my friends.  Simply brilliant.  I am working on the next chapter right now, so I will hopefully have something ready to post in a few weeks.

I did not complete Nanowrimo, or even Camp Nanowrimo in April.  I'm not looking at it as failure.  I have more words on the page for one of my, it's still a win?

Look at me finding those silver linings.  My therapist would be proud.

That being said, I'm still looking for those interested in reading some of my original work for the simple price of feedback.  Beta reading, basically.  I have several different stories underway (cue maniacal laughter here) in a few different genres.  Fantasy?  Dystopian?  Any takers?

Until next time, readers!

Monday, April 08, 2019

So it's been a while...

Hello dear readers,

I know you're all really angry with me...or just plotting my demise.  I'm struggling a little bit, but I thought I would pop on here and let you know that I'm still alive.

Still alive...

Just not doing super awesome at the moment.  I saw my doctor today.  There's a plan, but it's going to take me a little while to get back to myself.

Hang in there, readers. 

Also, if anyone would like to read some of my original stuff, I'm looking for some opinions.  ;)

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Life, Updates, and other Sundry

Hello dear readers,

I know, I know.

Trust me.  Nothing you could say about the long lack of updates can make me feel any worse than I do right now.

Life has been pretty difficult lately.  It's been awesome and inspiring, but it's still been difficult.

I moved in with my best friend in July.

The month before that, I had such a bad depressive episode my old roommates straight up told me they were worried about me.

Somehow, I managed to squeak through for a while and then I failed a graduate school class last semester due to a case of the "I just can't."  This case of "I just can't" was due to my depression and anxiety hitting me with a double whammy.  I found it difficult to get out of bed and function.  Just thinking of getting in the shower was a little too much for me some days.  She let me blanket burrito on the couch, made sure I ate a bit, and just kept an eye on me.  My best friend has been incredible, and even took her home with me for the Thanksgiving holiday to allow me to recuperate, as I hadn't really been sleeping all that much.  I kind of existed on the couch day in to day out.

It was very much a "I am the blanket and the blanket is me" situation for a few weeks.  I took time off work because I had trouble focusing and holding things together there.  I did see my doctor, my therapist, and my psychiatrist to try and get things back on track.  I felt better with a plan in place for treatment, and I felt even better after talking to my school program and discovering that there were options for what I was going through.  I love my university.

A week away from home seemed to restore my spirits somewhat.  Her mom (whom I also call "Mom") was so very welcoming and it felt like I just belonged there.  I received a Kindle Fire, because mine had died a horrible death and Mom had replaced  the new Kindle Fire with a larger tablet.  I immediately put Minecraft back on my Kindle, and for the next few days, I played Minecraft while avoiding the bad thoughts. The answer to what I was doing became a default "Playing Minecraft" because I find Minecraft so relaxing.

Blackie the cat let me play with him for a while. He is a very selective feline.  Dad (my best friend's Dad, that is - whom I also call "Dad") just kind of let me be, kept asking if I was hungry, and watched TV with me and talked about how school was going and how life in Morgantown was treating me. Her brother made me biscuits and gravy in addition to making sure my guest room was all set up.  I love my other family so much for always welcoming me home.  This makes twice now I have retreated to southern West Virginia for recuperative purposes in my life.  Thanksgiving vacation was great, and I didn't want to come home.

Christmas passed by in my usual haze of "Oh how I hate the holidays" and too much food.  My car broke down right before Christmas (literally, December 23rd) and there was a bit of a fiasco with my rental car, but I got there and back safely at the end of it.  I am still on the lookout for a new car, and I haven't quite decided what kind of car I want yet. Price is key; everything else is extra.

 I am still working a full workweek, juggling schoolwork, and hanging out with the best friend.  I've had to start a new diet for my health, and boy oh boy, it's WORKING.  It's amazing.  I'm not hungry.  I have been hungry on every single diet out there, and now, the new diet my doctor (and nutritionist, and psychiatrist approved) has recommended is working.  I'm almost to the twenty pounds loss mark.  I go back for blood tests soon to ensure that the diet is doing what we want it to do, but as a weight loss tool, it's been incredible.

I know that you're all hoping for an update.  I want to work on the updates.  I just have to put school and work first at this point.  I have not abandoned them.  I'm just taking a fanfiction hiatus while I work on other things.  Soon, I will have free time again (taking a few semesters off before I finish the program), and then I will be all yours again.

Thanks for hanging in there, dear readers.  I will return to fanfiction soon.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

I don't know anymore...

Hello dear readers,

I am still alive.

I will graduate next spring, assuming everything works out and I don't fail. 

I've been thinking about my fanfiction lately.  Should I continue with it?  It feels almost insurmountable to continue them at this point after so long of a break.  I still remember everything, have all of my notes, parts of chapters written.  The stories are there.  I just...don't see the point of them anymore.

What do you all think?

Saturday, November 28, 2015

I want to write...but grad school

Hello, dear readers!

I know.  Some of you must have given me up for dead.  Let's just say that graduate school has turned out a fair bit more challenging than I originally thought it would.  I guess I underestimated it.

Dance is not happening at the moment.  One of my old injuries flared up, and if I even so much as look at a dance shoe, my ankle laughs at me and swells up just to remind me that it is injured and it won't be doing anything, thanks so much.  It's annoying.

I'm currently camped out in my hometown's library because my mother doesn't have Internet at her house and I'm ostensibly doing homework.  I'm also taking the time to catch up on my social media and my fanfiction.

I know it's been while since I updated.  I have to admit that I'm not doing much writing at the moment.  In my current class, I have a three-four page paper due each week in addition to readings, classwork, and other assignments.  It's great having an online class, because I don't have to change my work schedule.  It's also really hard because there is a schedule to get all of this work done, and it doesn't fit very well with me.

Once the semester is over, I plan to take my laptop to the coffee shop and camp out there until I have something in terms of a chapter.  "An Aunt's Love" is so close I can almost feel it.   "What is Right" - yeah, the next few chapters are going to be fun.  :)  I've never forgotten my stories - I just haven't had much time to spend with them.

Thank you, dear readers, for your patience.  I will make you all a promise here and now:  there will be an update on both stories before the new year commences.

Until then, you're all awesome. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Hello there - long time, no post

Hello dear readers,

It seems I disappeared again. Funny how that keeps happening.

I have honestly been busy.  Work has been super crazy as we've had a lot of people leaving (summer time is the transition for that - as we work at a university) and then there was the prep work that went into getting ready for our new people as well as the new trainees that we have every year and's been hectic.

I am pleased to announce that I decided to go to grad school this semester AND I GOT IN!!!!!  *dancing*  I am really thrilled because the program is online, which means I don't have to change my work schedule to earn my degree.  I was trying to figure out how I was going to do school and work without having too much of an impact on my income.  The best part is I'm considered a full-time student.  HELLO DEFERRMENT!!!  That means I don't have to pay anything on my student loans while I'm in school.  I most likely will make some form of payment, but it will take off some of the pressure of paying for my education while also in school. 

Now to get through the next three years.....with my sanity intact.  I'm sure it will happen.

I haven't been dancing as much as I was last semester.  I'm trying to get back into shape after being off so long and having to contend with physical therapy (where I spent most of my summer with really nice people).  The good part about being a full-time student again is that I get access to the student rec center.  Hello, indoor pool and free exercise classes.

It may take me a while to remember how to work out like I used to, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.  I hope there will be a Pilates  Only yoga.  Perhaps a suggestion box is around there somewhere.  Pilates kicks my butt.

I moved to a new apartment a few weeks ago and the roomies and I are STILL unpacking boxes.  We have thirty boxes of books between us.  Egads.  I think I'm going to have to get rid of some books here.  That equals out to about ten boxes per roommate.  Maybe that's what I'll do this weekend....get rid of a few books.

Oh, I got my wisdom teeth out.  What a horrifying experience.  I'm allergic to a certain painkiller which made the experience that much worse.  I'm on the mend now and I'm starting to eat normal foods (definitely don't want mashed potatoes for a while...).

I know everyone is eagerly anticipating an update - I promise I'm working on it and hope to have something soon.  Maybe I'll carve a few hours out this weekend...we shall see.  Well, dear readers.  That's all for now.  I'll post again when I have the time or something to report.  ;)

Friday, May 01, 2015

It's Avengers Weekend!

Hello dear readers!

It's Avengers weekend!!  My best friend Jen (HELLO BEST FRIEND!!!!!) is here for the long weekend with me.  So far, we have watched the original Avengers movie, tonight we are watching Guardians of the Galaxy, and tomorrow we will make it to the movie theater to watch the Age of Ultron!!!

Yes, the number of exclamation points above are necessary.

The great thing about Avengers is that my best friend and I have theories about Loki.  We think there's more going on there.  We know there's something else going on.  We just...are waiting to be proven right.  We have joined Loki's army.  It's ruining my life.

Loki's right.  I like it.  I feel like anyone joining a fandom should be prepared for just such an event.  I happily join the fandom and will display my Loki's army key chain (a gift from my friend) without a qualm.  I will go to see every movie in the theater and spend more time talking about a line or a look than I have watching the movie. I will line up my bobbleheads and start contemplating fanfiction.  Good thing I enjoy it all.