Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Hello there - long time, no post

Hello dear readers,

It seems I disappeared again. Funny how that keeps happening.

I have honestly been busy.  Work has been super crazy as we've had a lot of people leaving (summer time is the transition for that - as we work at a university) and then there was the prep work that went into getting ready for our new people as well as the new trainees that we have every year and yeah....it's been hectic.

I am pleased to announce that I decided to go to grad school this semester AND I GOT IN!!!!!  *dancing*  I am really thrilled because the program is online, which means I don't have to change my work schedule to earn my degree.  I was trying to figure out how I was going to do school and work without having too much of an impact on my income.  The best part is I'm considered a full-time student.  HELLO DEFERRMENT!!!  That means I don't have to pay anything on my student loans while I'm in school.  I most likely will make some form of payment, but it will take off some of the pressure of paying for my education while also in school. 

Now to get through the next three years.....with my sanity intact.  I'm sure it will happen.

I haven't been dancing as much as I was last semester.  I'm trying to get back into shape after being off so long and having to contend with physical therapy (where I spent most of my summer with really nice people).  The good part about being a full-time student again is that I get access to the student rec center.  Hello, indoor pool and free exercise classes.

It may take me a while to remember how to work out like I used to, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.  I hope there will be a Pilates class....boo.  Only yoga.  Perhaps a suggestion box is around there somewhere.  Pilates kicks my butt.

I moved to a new apartment a few weeks ago and the roomies and I are STILL unpacking boxes.  We have thirty boxes of books between us.  Egads.  I think I'm going to have to get rid of some books here.  That equals out to about ten boxes per roommate.  Maybe that's what I'll do this weekend....get rid of a few books.

Oh, I got my wisdom teeth out.  What a horrifying experience.  I'm allergic to a certain painkiller which made the experience that much worse.  I'm on the mend now and I'm starting to eat normal foods (definitely don't want mashed potatoes for a while...).

I know everyone is eagerly anticipating an update - I promise I'm working on it and hope to have something soon.  Maybe I'll carve a few hours out this weekend...we shall see.  Well, dear readers.  That's all for now.  I'll post again when I have the time or something to report.  ;)

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