Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Busy, busy bee!

Hello dear readers!

My week has been super-busy since last week.  I finally made it to the doctor's office last week and I am cleared for dance (injuries...*sigh*).  I was super excited.  I am also the owner of some medication that is supposed to help my panic attacks and anxiety.  I've already experienced the one (and that medicine needs a MUCH bigger warning label about making me relaxed....I was a zombie on Friday!) and the other needs a few weeks to kick into gear.

On Saturday morning, I bundled myself and my backpack into the car and drove to Parkersburg, WV ALL BY MYSELF!  This is a huge deal for me.  I have driving anxiety and spent quite a few months in therapy to deal with it.  I had been run off the road by some tractor trailers a few years ago, and the highway lost its allure for me really quick.  It got to the point where I avoided driving altogether.  This weekend, I broke the cycle.  I drove for two hours by myself on the highway to go see my good friend in Parkersburg.  I spent the night with her, got to play with my goddaughter, and generally enjoy myself.  We made food, participated in the March for Babies (through the March of Dimes) on Sunday, and giggled until late into the night.  Her poor husband...surrounded by reminiscing females.  It must have been difficult for him.  Either way, he's a good guy and makes some mean popcorn.

I made it home Sunday evening with only a minor freakout on the way home - not a panic attack, but it was an OMG! moment with a tractor trailer, an on-ramp, and vague road signage.  I made it through and back home, where I promptly collapsed into my bed and introverted because I had spent the entire weekend surrounded by people.

I had my ballet class last night (and I feel it today!) and now here I sit at my laptop, telling you all about my weekend.  :)

SURVIVE!  The next chapter is coming.  ;)

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