Have you ever really, really wanted to do something, but find yourself unable to get started due to things beyond your control?
I'm having that issue. There are so many things that I want to accomplish, projects to complete, and social obligations to attend that I find myself in a little bit of a dizzying whirl of "I don't have time!!!" and I end up doing nothing except completely giving up.
Yes, complete with slamming my head on my desk....just like that.
I wish I could blame this on something that was outside of my control, but I can't. I'm just a crazy person that likes to do too many things at once.
I love the creative drive in my life, even though it takes over too much of my time. When things become overwhelming, I decide to GET. ORGANIZED.
This is always a bad things, my friends. As with everything else in my life, I take it a little bit to the extreme.
I get a new planner (which is like getting a new purse for other girls, really....it makes me extremely excited and giddy).
I rush home and frantically input information into it, gearing up for the just-out-of-reach dream that is adult responsibility.
There are baskets filled with objects and categorized in my closet.
My whiteboard is reorganized and redrawn with all of the new things I plan to accomplish.
I outline my writing, do some character mapping, draw a few timelines, and post everything where I can see it.
My desk is cleaned and organized, often with little labels of where everything is supposed to go.
I bullet journal everything I need to do in the next month and decide to start into my adventures.
Everything works well for a little while. I am able to maintain the madness I have created for myself with little effort. Chapters are planned. Blog posts are outlined. Bill payments are organized. Workouts scheduled. Home improvement projects pondered. I am able to master it all for about three or four weeks.
Then, something happens. It doesn't matter what it is, really. I may need to stop off at the grocery store and arrive home later than I mean to. I may have an unexpected appointment with the doctor. I get sick. I double book myself.
It's all over. My meticulous organization falls apart. I forget to do something. I procrastinate (one of my worst attributes, really). I decide that watching the Big Bang Theory is more interesting than the projects I want to do.
What happens after that is usually a period of frantic catch up that leaves me looking a little like this:
Does anyone else experience such a phenomenon?
Or am I alone??
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