Friday, May 31, 2019

Checking In

Hello dear readers!

I would like to say that I have one chapter completed and one more underway for "An Aunt's Love!"  I hesitated to post the last chapter due to the content, and my therapist suggested posting two chapters at once to mitigate the content of the first.  She is brilliant, my friends.  Simply brilliant.  I am working on the next chapter right now, so I will hopefully have something ready to post in a few weeks.

I did not complete Nanowrimo, or even Camp Nanowrimo in April.  I'm not looking at it as failure.  I have more words on the page for one of my, it's still a win?

Look at me finding those silver linings.  My therapist would be proud.

That being said, I'm still looking for those interested in reading some of my original work for the simple price of feedback.  Beta reading, basically.  I have several different stories underway (cue maniacal laughter here) in a few different genres.  Fantasy?  Dystopian?  Any takers?

Until next time, readers!

Monday, April 08, 2019

So it's been a while...

Hello dear readers,

I know you're all really angry with me...or just plotting my demise.  I'm struggling a little bit, but I thought I would pop on here and let you know that I'm still alive.

Still alive...

Just not doing super awesome at the moment.  I saw my doctor today.  There's a plan, but it's going to take me a little while to get back to myself.

Hang in there, readers. 

Also, if anyone would like to read some of my original stuff, I'm looking for some opinions.  ;)