Friday, February 20, 2015

It's freezing

Just a little post to tell you all some of what you already know...


It is currently -3 degrees Fahrenheit in Morgantown today.

The sun is already up.  It is still below zero.

It is freakin' cold.  So cold that I didn't want to leave my bed this morning, and after staying home yesterday, it was really, really hard to get out of bed.

I powered through and made it to work, unable to feel my face.

Could someone let me couch-surf in a warmer place until spring, please?

Friday, February 06, 2015

Pssst.....I updated!

Yes, that's right, dear readers!  I updated "What is Right: Year Two!!!"  WOOOT!!!

The chapter is short, I'm afraid, but it is an update!  :)

It was difficult, especially since I've taken such a long break from that story, but it's there.  It's updated.  *Dances*
