Thursday, July 10, 2014

Looking for Recommendations

Hello dear readers!

I am happy to report that I am doing a little better these days and those low feelings from my last blog post have abated somewhat.  I have been careful with my sleep, taking my meds (which finally appear to be working!), trying to eat right, and getting some form of exercise every day.

I hurt my back a few weeks ago and I had to drop out of dance for the summer.  That may be what tipped off that last heavy bout of depression that made me so apathetic about everything.  Going from two classes and a couple of volunteer hours a week to absolutely nothing in a hobby can throw anyone off track; I suppose that is why I felt as though a huge chunk of my life was suddenly missing.

Things are a bit brighter now and I'm looking forward to a weekend filled with time to relax and plans to hit a library for the full day (I know, I'm soooo exciting!).

I was thinking today that I'd like to join a book club as something to do.  I mean, I enjoy reading, but I lack discussion partners.  If I mention a book I'm reading at work, I am often met with confused stares or a recommendation for the latest steamy romance bodice-ripper.

I checked the book club at the public library, but they're not meeting again until September.  September feels so far away.  Can anyone recommend any online book clubs you may have used in the past?  Or, maybe a really good book you've enjoyed?  Maybe a discussion will start on my blog? I need some more adventure in my life, and well....

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