Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Computer - Down With Vista

I have my new computer. My friend Dani helped me pick it out. I wanted to get another desktop, but I couldn't get a payment plan at Best Buy. Whatever happened to good old layaway???? Every payment plan now requires a credit check and then they give you a credit card. WTF? I know my credit pretty much stinks right now due to repayment of student loans, but they wouldn't approve me for the super sky high interest rates and outrageous marketing email campaigns (if I get one single email from Best Buy after their credit rejection, there will be HELL to pay), so I couldn't get a desktop like I wanted. Too expensive, so I ended up with a $400 laptop. What the heck. I paid cash for it, which is a better way to live. No need to add yet another account to my crappy credit score.

The thing that really gets me is that the laptop screen is smaller than my computer screen. I'm still getting used to it. Also, the stupid software is VISTA!!!!!! I HATE VISTA!!! If I could find my XP cds (for which I paid an outrageous sum), I would rework this piece of crap operating system into something that would actually make sense. What happened to all the nice features? Did Windows think, "Hey, let's fix something that wasn't broken, make it new and shiny, and then force everyone to buy new software, and the new systems that can support the new software!" ?!?!?!?!?! Screw you, Microsoft!!! As soon as I can afford to convert to...oh, Linux, I will no longer need you!

I almost had a mental breakdown in the library last year because some higher library muckety-muck decided it would be a good idea to change all of the school's computers over to Microsoft Office 2007 mid-semester. There were riots, screaming fits, throwing of notebooks, and general overall pandemonium and swearing at the Powers That Be over that little bit of misguided nonsense. Why change something that works??? Did no one at Microsoft have to take logic classes? It's only a money-making ploy, and the rest of us are forced to go along with it so our computers will work like every other computer out there. Soon, my precious, I will convert this pathetic little Windows laptop into a better, more flexible machine.



  1. Aww, sorry about you having Vista now. I hope you can find a way to work around it. I got Vista about a year ago and it took ages to get used to it with all these stupid things and having to confirm every single thing you want to do, even if it's just opening some program. It's annoying really.

  2. How's the writing going? It's been a month since your fans have gotten an update. :(

  3. I'm working on it. The Muse is being stubborn.

  4. I love Vista. No, really, I do. I don't think I would have converted to Ubuntu if it hadn't been for Vista...

    Love your stories, by the way ^^
