Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fun Times

Today was a good day in terms of things accomplished. I made it to class and had all of my assignments done and ready to turn in on time. I met up with my friend Chrissy after classes and talked to her for a while. She's actually from Germany, so it's good practice for me in terms of language study.

Unfortunately, things are not going well in my personal life. I'm twenty-five years old and facing a rather distressing circumstance: I'm graduating from college! Agh! I have no idea why I went to school this long, because I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. My job will not have anything to do with my majors. I can't think of anything I could do with an English and German degree. I really can't. I'm hoping that I will be able to find full time work after graduation. I really, really want full time work.

My sister quit her job, and because my name is on her lease, I am stuck paying her rent. I should kick her to the curb, but then the compassionate part of me goes: she is your sister. How long does a person need help before it starts being a crutch? I think she's on crutches at this point.

My car has a fuel leak, which means I get to drive a dangerous car across town first thing tomorrow and pray I make it to the shop...and that the shop won't charge me an arm and leg for service. Please, if the mechanics are listening, keep it under $100. Please, please, please. I hope they're listening.

My lovely check is just sitting here, waiting for deposit. I would love to go down to the bank and deposit it in my account (thereby changing the dreadful negative number I'm currently carrying), but I can't drive the car. Grr.

Needless to say, writing has taken a backseat to this crazy thing I call life. I do have a few new stories, both original and fanfiction, buzzing in my head. There are actually four fanfictions, but I'll probably only try to write three. One already has a title, called Anachronism. It's been fun, but I don't know if I'll actually write it. It has the same themes as the first two, and I'm becoming just a bit tired of angst. (I never thought I'd say that!) The second is the newest, a story without Harry Potter as the main character in the beginning! O.O How did that happen? He comes in later, of course, but I almost didn't recognize him. Funny how that works. There's no title yet, so I'm calling it STHFHOS...I love acronyms. 20 points and virtual chocolate to the person that figures out what that means! Or a preview...your choice. The last and most fun lacks a name, but I've been calling it JBHP. I doubt anyone will figure that out at all. So, a thousand points and a command chapter of any story to the person able to guess. This story is unlike anything I've done, which might be why I'm so excited about it. ^_^ Harry is in this from the get-go and he's very fun to write! I can't wait to see the finished product.

I guess I should amend what I said earlier. It's not that I haven't been writing...I'm just not writing "An Aunt's Love" or "What is Right". I do have a chapter ready to go, but I'm holding off on it until I clear up a point or two. Look for it sometime soon.

Until next time, may the Muse refrain from the baseball bat.


  1. You could always go to grad school. :) I'm 26 and will be finishing my M.S. in May and just got accepted to my top choice doctoral program. I'm a Chemist so the Ph.D. is rather important.

    It's also why I won't take the risk posting stories because I doubt I'd ever find the time to finish them.

    Good luck with your car. My brother's newest car decided to manifest a gas leak yesterday. It's vintage, though, so he's not really sure what he's going to do about it. :)

  2. Grad school?!? *twitch*

    I think I want to try the real world first. I'm a little burned out on school.

    The car is fine! :D And it cost less than one hundred dollars! YAY!

    Good luck with getting into school. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


  3. This is very similar to me. I graduated last fall with a music degree, and I"m not using it at all. Luckily, though, I already had a full time position as a computer programmer.

    It's been so nice to not have to go to class or worry about it at all.

    Never-the-less, I've caught the bug, and am headed back for more education, this time to study brains.

    I hope things work out for you!
