I updated "What is Right" today. I'm pleasantly surprised by the response it has received. I didn't know that so many people would enjoy it. In fact, I have to wonder what I've gotten myself into. It's the same way with "An Aunt's Love". I'm not sure if I could actually deal with such response if it wasn't on fanfiction. Over a million hits to the story and over seven thousand reviews. I'm told it's impressive, but sometimes it scares me. Oh well.
I'm thinking of modifying my update schedule, but I have no idea when I will do so. I would like to work on my original fiction for a while, but I don't know how or when I could write. I'm so busy most of the time. I have school, work, and friends. I know many people manage to balance such things, but I'm having a difficult time already.
Well, I'm off to study for finals.
Emma Lipardi
Hey, you've also got a weblog! ;).
ReplyDeleteDon't be scared of the reviews- just be proud ;). But it's certainly impressive ;).
Maybe you should try to create time for writing original fiction when you don't have it? I don't know whether you know NaNoWriMo , but that's really helped me to rediscover original fiction. NaNoWriMo is a writing project in which you 'have' to write 50k or more words in a month. Fanfiction is also allowed, but I chose to write something 'original' this time, and I've seen that it really helps to just sit down & write instead of visiting all my websites, chatting with people on MSN etc.
Unfortunately NaNoWriMo won't be there until next year, but maybe you could try it for yourself? :P.
*realizes you are an American - aren't you?*
Well, then you might be very busy in school, yes... Do you also have those SAT-test-things? *shudders* I've once read about them and I'm REALLY glad we don't have them in the Netherlands ;).
Good luck with trying to find time to write ;).
I left the following review for you in regards to 'An Aunt's Love'.
ReplyDeleteWhen I stumble upon fan fiction I begin it with trepidation. Questions that I find myself pondering always fill my head: Is the story well paced? Are the characters developed or too out of character that they are not recognizable? Are the situations realistic and appropriate to the universe that they are written in?
Finally, the most important question, if a story survives the above questions asked that is much more important than all of them:
If I were to pick this ‘novel’ up off a shelf in a book store and read the first two chapters would I continue reading and if so, after browsing, would I take it home.
This is only the third time I would say yes.
Congratulations on an amazingly well written and well developed story.
I’ve also noticed it has not been updated recently and hope to see it updated again.
Kitlynne MacGaradh
I am an American myself, so I know ALL about finals/exams/SAT's *shudders*. I just got finished with a major exam and I will have to wait until May to find out what I made, which is very suspenseful since whatever classes I take next year, depend severely on the grade I get. TALK ABOUT PRESSURE!! AND I STILL HAVE THREE MORE TO TAKE!!
ReplyDelete(Topic Change)
I understand what you mean by the success you have gotten in your stories, is a scary thing.
When you post a Fanfiction up, you hope everyone will love and it that it will become a huge success. There are some authors who never will get the success they want, but sometimes you get way more than you intended. That could be a very good thing, but in the long run, it also puts a lot pressure on your shoulders. The readers now have certain expectation which you have to meet. And if you don’t, you could get backlash from it.
Plus there is the added pressure that will occur if you don’t feel up to finishing a story or something a long the lines.
An Aunt’s Love has over 7000 reviews. If you were to abandon that fic, it would disappoint a lot of people (just so you know, I’m not a fan of the story BUT I do love your story What is Right) and I bet that is not what you want.
I neither have the time or patients to write a story length story what with having school, homework, friends, family ect. So I commend you on having done that with MORE than ONE huge success story. I know I couldn’t do it, and even if I did try, I wouldn’t want to disappoint my readers if I were to lose interest in the story and abandon it (which is most likely).
This comment has nothing to do with anything (?) I just wanted you to know, I know where you are coming from (well I do a little, none of the stories I have posted had the success you had, no where near it, so I don not know what you are going through FULLY) and I really do love your What is Right story…LOL!! And I would rather have a longer chapter than an early update (when you asked on your FanFiction profile about your AAL and WIR stories)
Well now that wasted about two minutes or you life with jibber jabber, I will give you my fare-thee-well….
Ashlee Renee
PS. If there are any spelling mistakes and or puntuation mistakes, forgive me...there is no spell check and I write a head of my fingers sometimes...*sheepish*
Hi ! Ich hätte mal früher auf deine Seite kommen sollen ^^ Jetzt weiß ich endlich, dass ich dir alle komplimene an den Kopf werfen kann, die mir einfallen, weil ich jetzt eine möglichkeit habe mich richtig auszudrücken ^^ (Mein Englisch ist nicht gutgenug um gute Komplimente zu verteilen.. Ich bin halt nicht sehr begabt, was Sprachen angeht)
ReplyDeleteIch kann verstehen, dass du es ein wenig unheimlich findest, dass so viele Menschen deine Fanfiction lesen und komentieren! Ich peresöhnlich kann keine Art von Erwartungshaltung anderer aushalten. Gerade desshalb kann ich mich mit "An Aunt's Love" identifizieren. ^^ Aber ich muss sagen, dass ich "What is right" besser finde, weil es dramatischer ist. Und ich liebe alles was mit timetravel/Zeitreise zu tun hat.
Mach weiter so und lasss dich nicht unterkriegen. Und wenn es dir zu viel wird.... nicmmm dir nen Tag frei und mach etwas das Spaß macht.. am besten mit Familie oder Freunden. Das tut wirklich gut.
mit freundlichen Grüßen